Digital Trends in the Spanish Markets
Although the digital race is evolving at highly different speeds in the Spanish markets (Spain and Latin America), the ebook and audiobook markets offer a broad spectrum of business opportunities for publishers in Latin America and Spain. The soaring number of ebooks published in those countries, the growing importance of digital reading and the increasing role of the Internet as a distribution and marketing tool for books, all lead to the assumption that the evolution of the digital market will be a consolidated business in most Latin American countries by the end of the decade.
The growing amount of data, business intelligence and market information available in relation to digital sales and distribution makes it possible to analyse in detail the evolution of the Spanish and Latin American digital markets. Having looked closely at digital and publishing trends in various countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Spain, Mexico, Peru), this report, compiled by in collaboration with Bookwire to promote The Markets Global Publishing Summit, offers a series of indicators and prospects regarding each of these markets, with the purpose of offering a tool for publishers, booksellers, authors, investors, the media and experts to understand the changes being experienced by Spanish-speaking and Portuguese markets, together with the business opportunities these changes offer professionals in the publishing sector worldwide.
As occurs with print books in physical bookstores, independent publishers’ behaviour is different from that of big publishing houses in online stores. As more and more independent publishers strongly invest in the digital distribution of their books, peculiarities of that nature are once again being detected. One of the main conclusions of this Report, is that there are extremely different behaviour patterns between small and large publishing companies. At a first glance, we have observed a massive trend by independent publishers to become more involved in the production and marketing of digital books, especially in Latin America. In the Spanish speaking markets, independent publishers are experiencing a growth of between 20% to 35%, whereas big publishers in the region have experienced a “plateau” in some markets or moderate growth with respect to certain business models in comparison with other years.
The Markets – Global Publishing Summit 2016 is an annual event, organized by the Frankfurt Book Fair and Publishing Perspectives, that showcases seven strong and vibrant publishing regions. Attendees of this conference will hear from the influencers from each of these markets, get insights from professionals working there, and meet the relevant people who can help you to expand your business abroad.