was launched in March 2004 for the purpose of analyzing the use of new technologies in the cultural sector (publishing, libraries, bookstores, museums, etc.) providing Spanish cultural professionals with weekly trade articles and interviews, as well as studies and reports related to digital trends in the creative industries. Throughout the years, we have compiled over 300 studies and reports on the use of new technologies in different areas of the cultural sector. also provides digital skills training sessions to a wide range of cultural sector professional: publishers, retailers, museums, librarians, etc, as well as provides strategic management consultancy services.
In November 2005 our first study was published: “El papel de la comunicación en la promoción del libro” (The role of communication in book promotion). In 2006 two new studies were published: “El uso de las tecnologías Web 2.0 en entidades culturales” (The use of Web 2.0 technologies on cultural entities) and “Los retos de las editoriales independientes” (The challenges faced by independent publishers). In October 2007 the following study was published, “Tendencias Web 2.0 en el sector editorial” (Web 2.0 trends in the publishing sector). In October 2008 the following study was published in conjunction with the social network Ediciona “La digitalización del libro en España”(Book digitalization trends in Spain). We published the following study in March 2009 “Visibilidad de las ciudades en la Web 2.0” (City visibility in the Web 2.0); in October 2009, the second edition of the study “La digitalización del libro en España” (Book digitalization in Spain) was published; in November 2009, “La visibilidad de los museos en la Web 2.0” (The visibility of museums on the Web 2.0). In 2010 we published the study “La visibilidad de las galerías de arte en Facebook” (The visibility of art galleries on the Web 2.0) and “Chuleta de las redes sociales” (Social networks cheat sheet). We began 2011 with the publication of the second edition of the study «Las galerías de arte en la web 2.0» (Art galleries on the Web 2.0) and published the study «Fútbol 2.0» (Football 2.0) which analyzes how football clubs are incorporating 2.0 technologies to their communication strategies and their team, player, event promotions etc. We concluded 2011 with the publication in September of the study «Industria editorial 2.0» (Publishing industry 2.0) and the following study in November «Conexiones entre museos en las redes sociales» (Museum connections on social networks), the infographic «Derechos de los usuarios en la nube» (Users’ rights in the cloud) and versions in Catalonian, English and Portuguese of «The Social Networks Cheat Sheet”. We began 2012 with the publication of «Cronología de la edición digital (1912-2012)» (Digital publishing. A chronology (1912 – 2012), and the Catalonian and Basque versions of the infographic «Users’ rights in the cloud”. We recently shared the results of the survey «Anatomía del perfil del editor digital» (Anatomical profile of the digital publisher). In September 2012 we published the study «El directivo y las redes sociales» (Social media and management) in partnership with the CEDE Foundation and the BPMO Group.
In February 2013 we presented at Tools of Change in New York the study «How to collaborate with startups«. The purpose of this study is for it to become a discussion paper on how to improve the relationship between technology startups and companies in the book world in order to establish a mutual strategic cooperation.
In May 2013 we presented at Museum Next Conference the study «Museums in the Digital Age«. The main purpose of this study is to analyze how museums, cultural institutions and art galleries may benefit from the latest technology on the Web and on the market, as well as that offered by recently created technology companies, better known as start-ups, with a view to improving their services within gallery spaces, with virtual material and content, with a view to enriching the visitor experience.
During 2014, has published the following reports:
Digital Roadmap for Libraries which offers the various possible applications of the new generation of technology in library services (beacons, QR codes, face recognition systems, smart sensors, etc.).
Indie Authors: The Self-publishing Revolution the objective of this report is to provide professionals in the book world – be they publishers, agents, authors, booksellers or librarians – with a broad analysis of the impact of self-publishing in the publishing sector so that each one may establish the business opportunities and advantages of self-publishing.
AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report which aims to become an annual document of reference that analyses the evolution of digital trends in the cultural sector (museums, libraries, publishing companies, booksellers, theatre companies, film production, music companies, etc.) It is designed to be a manual for constant reference and consultation for cultural sector professionals wishing to discover the advantages & benefits derived from the use of new technologies.
During 2015, has published the following reports:
New business models in the digital age. This Report has been written specifically to help professionals in book-related industries (publishers, libraries, universities, bookstores, agents or distribution platforms) to design the best mix of business models to meet the needs of their customers.
Use of new technologies in Museums. The AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report aims to become an annual document of reference that analyses the evolution of digital trends in the cultural sector. Through practical case studies and opinion-Ed articles, it is designed to be a manual for constant reference and consultation for cultural sector professionals wishing to discover the advantages and benefits derived from the use of new technologies.
The upcoming complexities of business digital models. The aim of this infographic is to help all professionals in the book world -publishers, agents, authors, booksellers or librarians- understand the upcoming evolution of the business models on the Internet, so they can determine opportunities, as well as its growing complexity. We hope the visual reading and detailed analysis of this infographic will help publishing professionals design their best suited mix of business models to meet the needs of each customer. The mix selection will depend on the peculiarities of each publisher: specialization of their catalog, volume size, digital skills, among other variables.
The Bookwire Spanish and Portuguese Markets Digital Report. This White Paper shows the evolution and the growth potential for ebooks in the main Ibero-American markets from Spain to Mexico, Colombia, Brazil and Portugal. Over the past few years, many international publishers who regularly attend book fairs in Latin American countries and have established their publishing brands on that continent have clearly observed two critical issues central to the future of books there: print book exports to the region have stagnated – and are trending downward – while the emerging digital transition is beginning generate keen interest all over the region. There is a convergence of forces that could lead to a real explosion of digital commerce in these countries within the next decade.