Conferencia Internacional sobre Tendencias Audio
El próximo jueves día 15 de octubre de 15 a 17.30 horas de Frankfurt tendrá lugar una conferencia internacional sobre tendencias audio (podcast y audiolibros) organizada por la Feria del Libro de Frankfurt 2020.
Representantes de las principales empresas del sector de audiolibros y podcasts como Storytel, Scribd, Saga-Egmont, PRH, Nextory, Podimo, Bookwire,, Acast, entre otras empresas, compartirán sus puntos de vista sobre la evolución de los formatos audio en todo el mundo.
La inscripción es gratuita, pero los asistentes tienen que registrarse en el siguiente enlace.
El auge de los formatos de audio es un fenómeno global, y en la Frankfurt Book Fair de este año se analizarán los nuevos hábitos de consumo derivados de la crisis del Coronavirus, así como la evolución del consumo en streaming en todo el mundo, entre otras temáticas.
El programa de este año contará con expertos internacionales que profundizarán en las tendencias y desafíos más grandes a las que se enfrenta este sector.
El programa será el siguiente:
15:00-15:05 Welcome & Digital Housekeeping
Moderator: Erin Cox, Head of US PR, Frankfurter Buchmesse
15:05-15:20 A Conversation on the Future of Audio
Speaker: Jonas Tellander, Chief Executive Officer, Storytel
Moderator: Elena Neira, Audiovisual Consultant & Professor, Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences, Spain
15:20-16:00 International Panel: “The subscription economy: Looking at Consumption Behavior”
How are subscription and streaming services helping audio reach new markets and new audiences? How did the lockdown drive digital consumption? Is audio benefiting from the Netflix and Prime effect whereby people are getting used to paying for digital content? How does streaming help the back catalogue?
Magnus Nytell, Head of International Expansion, Nextory, Sweden
Mette Hammerich Caserta, Internal Business Consultant, SAGA Egmont International, Denmark
Julie Mckay, Director of International Content Acquisition, Scribd, U.S.A.
Javier Celaya, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Dosdoce, Spain
16:00-16:20 Exclusive Presentation of the White Paper «Listen & Read: The Battle for Attention»
In this session, Videl Bar-Kar will exclusively present key facts from new market research across 1,000 representatively selected e-book, audiobook and podcast consumers in Germany. The study was conducted by an independent market research company from mid-August to mid-September 2020 and thus the white paper provides the most up-to-date and detailed insights into user behavior currently available. The session will answer some of the following questions: Who will win the battle for the attention of readers and listeners – e-books, audiobooks or podcasts? Does listening to digital formats fuel digital reading or does it weaken it? Which formats attract the attention of users of e-books, digital audio books and podcasts? Where do they consume their content? With what intensity – and what motivation?
Speaker: Videl Bar-Kar, Global Head of Audio, Bookwire, UK
16:20-16:45 «Audio Rights – The Key to Market Growth»
Growth of the audio industry hinges on getting more content into the market. But how are publishers going about this and what is the best strategy to keep the ecosystem diverse and competitive? What is the right balance between publishing and partnering? This session will take a look at how publishers can grow their list of titles, explore new formats, and create original content.
Lance Fitzgerald, Vice President, Content and Business Development, Penguin Random House, U.S.A.
16:45-17:20 The Next Audio Format for Publishers? Podcasts!
The podcasting and audiobook market continue to grow – more than most other segments of the media and entertainment industry. Are publishers leveraging the full potential of podcasting to tell new stories and forge new partnerships? How can podcasts best be monetized and is it time to move from revenue pool models to user-centric compensation models?
Morten Strunge, Co-founder & CEO, Podimo, Denmark
Alice Lloyd, Commissioning Editor for Audio & Podcasts, Trapeze Books, UK
Clarissa Pabi, Content Development Manager, Acast
Javier Celaya, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Dosdoce, Spain
17:20-17:30 Wrap-up
La inscripción es gratuita, pero los asistentes tiene que registrarse en el siguiente enlace